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Friday, March 07, 2008


Australia led the world at the 30th Caples Awards held at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York last night, winning 21 awards, ahead of Germany with 20 and New Zealand equal third (with Spain) winning 12 gongs.
Kiwi shops won four First Places, three Seconds and five Thirds. Lowe Rivet Auckland won a First for Stella Artois 'Fight Club' plus two Seconds and a Third, AIM Proximity Auckland won a First for Christchurch Press 'Are you an idiot?' plus three Thirds. Blackwood Communications Group Auckland won a First and a Second, both for BIANZ 'Gingerbread Haka' (pictured), while Touch/Cast Next Wellington won a First for WETA 'Rayguns'.
Australian shops won five first Places, five seconds and 11 thirds. Lavender Sydney won three Firsts for the RTA 'Pimp our Ads' campaign while Leo Burnett, Melbourne won two Firsts, one for Suzuki 'Implants', the other for Connex 'There's no I in carriage'.
Other Aussie shops celebrating on the night incuded M&C Saatchi Sydney with two Second Places and five Third Places and BMF Sydney with three Second Places and two Third Places.
A highlight of the awards for the Australians was the awarding of Dylan Taylor, BMF Direct Sydney's creative director with the prized Caples Wunderman Award for Lifetime Creative Achievement - the first Aussie ever to be awarded this honour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, we’re a small shop that quietly gets on with our work, but Jeez, how hard is it for people to get things right?
To the lovely people at NZ Creative Circle:
We are delighted to have won a First at the Caples Awards for our campaign for Weta (to go with our Gold from the NZ Direct & Interactive Awards) – however, the campaign was ‘Rayguns’, not ‘Rayguard’ as reported in this article.
To our friends at AdMedia / Fastline & Marketing Magazine: Our company’s name is TOUCH/CAST NEXT, not TOUCH/CAST net.
And finally, to the person who made a comment about us in an earlier post about the NZ Direct & Interactive Awards, stating we’re a fish & chips shop, you are sadly mistaken; however, we have been looking at co-locating our offices with a good coffee house.
Righto, we feel much better for getting that off our chests.
Have a good day everyone!

11:59 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a Caple?

1:31 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


John Caples - one of the most famous and influential copywriters ever. Google him.

9:43 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest DM show in the world

6:02 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.31am wins! Nice.

10:23 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Tequila?

Shows that the NZ RSVP's awards this year had crap judges - the rayguns/gingerbread/idiot/ got the credit they deserved at Caples.

11:07 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's worse to win, a mobius or a caple?

9:40 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's worse to win 9:40, a caples or nothing? i'm sure you can tell us.

1:14 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I simply can't handle this any more...

(and mr blog owner maybe this deserves it's own topic but I don't know how to do that)

... can someone pleeeeeeeease explain the Radio Live Marcus Lush campaign that iconic NZ Pop artist Billy Apple was involved in???

I've been looking at them for months now and i've got nothing... I simply don't get it. Now i'm not trying to be all negative and critical here... truth is I really really WANT to get them... but I don't... i don't even see what they're trying to do... so now i'm geniunely asking for help.

None of my other advertising friends can help me, so now i'm appealing to the rest of you for an explaination. There's got to be someone out there who gets it.


Mike. (Not 'O').

1:26 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll stick to Cannes/Clio/One Show/New York Fests

1:57 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to make it clear, that mike is not me, Mike, either. And I'm not Mike O either, I'm a different Mike.



(p.s. still keen to have that stuff explained though, it is, as my fellow mike said, somewhat perplexing)

2:18 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have no clue either 1:26pm...

4:19 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there's a stapler one, a feijoa one, a cup and saucer one... then the billy apple logo... the "part of the marcus lush collection" ... those ones??

are these the things that marcus likes ... nay ... "collects" ??

is that it?

and if it is then what's the billy apple thing doing there?

nah... sorry... can't help. I'm glad it's not just me though.

4:43 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Mike Salad in here.
With apples.

9:37 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


The five executions, all illustrate objects associated with breakfast host Marcus Lush. The billboards are his passions - trains, feijoas, condensed milk and wooden rulers.

check out...


Not sure on the Staple... staple listening?

10:24 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike.. NF?

The objects refer to Marcus Lush's radio programmes, documentaries and collections - things like the NZR mug featured in his series on railways. The Stapler refers to a radio show he did on how the stapler is the greatest revolution in stationary since the post-it-note.


11:48 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so why the apple?

Other Mike.

3:19 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other Mike...

I think its to associate Billy Apple with the campaign, and also to complete the tagline. They use objects to refer to Marcus Lush so I'm presuming they chose to use the Billy Apple logo to refer to the artist.

....Billy Apple saying "Morning Marcus" to Lush depicted as a .... (execution x5)

9:09 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still really confused, so Marcus Lush is a ruler?

11:41 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fool. Marcus Lush Rulz. Fah bro.

4:15 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you trying to say that Billy Apple thinks Marcus is a stapler; Billy Apple is a stapler and listens to Marcus Lush; or that Billy Apple and a stapler have something to do with Marcus Lush, but we're not quite sure what?


10:55 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok enough of that.
What's up with that osama bin laden burger king ad??
And the new music on the air nz ads???

See you at craig love's leaving drinks.

11:13 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'd guess the Osama BK ad is a direct result of the input of someone with experience in the Afghanistinian environment who has been hanging their hat on a hook at the Y&R.

9:36 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Marcus Lush ads are more indulgent then any other ads out there. They are an in joke between what, three people? I've been in 20 different cabs in the last few months and no cab driver gets it. Cab drivers are willing to comment on everything and all they say is... 'do you get that ad there?' as we pass the billboard. Rubbish. Yes, it gets people (cab drivers) talking. But only about how FUCKING STUPID they are. we do ads for real people. This has obviously done for your mate who is in on the joke.

10:36 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so who did them??

2:03 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were done inhouse - by Billy Apple and Marcus Lush apparently.

12:02 pm NZDT


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