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Monday, July 31, 2006


New Zealand direct and interactive marketing agency AIM Proximity, has launched a unique 3-D integrated campaign for Air New Zealand that includes the world’s first 3-D travel website. The ground-breaking campaign that goes live today, in both New Zealand and Australia, is designed to attract more people to take advantage of Air New Zealand’s range of special offers.
“Ready to see the world in a new way?” - that’s the core message of the direct marketing campaign element. Over 300,000 people in New Zealand and Australia are being mailed 3-D glasses, enabling them to fully interact with the websites. Elements to the campaign include live 3-D chalk drawing demonstrations, in-flight giveaways and field marketing initiatives in a number of airports and city centres, including Auckland and Sydney. There will also be retail promotions and 3-D giveaways after screenings of ‘Superman Returns’ in Auckland’s IMAX cinema. A 3-Destination holiday competition is used to enhance the offering for both markets.
Mike Cunnington, Managing Director at AIM Proximity, says: “This is the world’s first 3-D travel site and the fully integrated campaign is all in 3-D, making it a truly interactive experience. The great thing about it is that we have utilised our full range of capabilities, from website development, leading-edge creative design and 3-D digital development work, to live marketing and promotions. It has been a real team effort and shows the breadth of capability across the agency.”
“This is one of our most inventive campaigns to date from a purely technical perspective. The 3-D website is fully interactive enabling users to navigate around the site at their leisure, visiting and really experiencing various holiday destinations. It’s fantastic that Air New Zealand has embraced such an original concept – we could not do such great work without great clients”, says Cunnington.
The campaign will run for three weeks, after which time winners for both the New Zealand and Australian campaign will be announced. The 3-Destinations you can explore on the New Zealand website and ultimately win as part of the holiday competition are Tahiti, Los Angeles and Fiji. The 3-Destinations for Australia are New Zealand, Rarotonga and Los Angeles.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it's better than that ape movie, I waited for ages to get served at Kentucky fried Chicken to get those glasses with my meal. It was a major let down on the PYE 14'. But that was 20 years ago, and I had gotten over it. Until 10 years ago, instead of going to Oliver Stones The Doors, I was suckered in by the glasses and I went to Freddie 3D, only half a minute of the movie was actually 3D, it was a huge let down. Then, a few years ago, I went to Imax, it was a half hour movie about a little Italian boy immigrating to New York, it was duller than camping with a god botherer. Then a few months ago and I filled up at Shell to get the free glasses to see the TV program Medium. Medium was an understatement, it was as poor as piss shit. There was also a copy of Razzle 3D I brought in London, the 3D National Geographic map special I stole from the school library and a ride or two at universal studios in LA, but I won't bore you with the details.

There's a lesson to be learnt here, 3D glasses will get people to the site, but, It's got to have loads of knife throwing and madmen wielding axes to keep peoples interest. Unless It's got a 6 girl fanny stack like my well thumbed copy of Razzle 3D.

Check this site out, I'm sure you will agree


10:40 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

3D vision on a website - ok, nice idea etc etc
But, what about sound? You know, the aural delight that adds a completely new dimension to moving pictures, the thing that helps to create an immersive experience.
Hearing the screams of terror and delight of the peeps on the roller coaster, the sound of the waves breaking around the surfers, you get the point.

12:17 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That site looks brill, When are my 3d glasses showing up?

Oh yeah, not the airnz one, the i3xxx.

1:36 pm NZST


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