A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Blog ends year on growth surge - chooses favourite charity

For the four months to December 31, the nzcreativecircle blog had 43,192 visitors and earned a total of US $9.49 which was significantly above forecasts. For the 31 days before Christmas (including weekends) the blog had an average of 409 visitors per day. The board is delighted with these results and looks forward to maintaining that growth during 2006.

Wednesday 4 January

Having achieved our financial goal of being able to buy everyone a beer ( just the one), it has been suggested a local charity should be the recipient of future Google Adsense revenue from nzcreativecircle. We'd like to point this towards the New Zealand Child Cancer Foundation - and that's what we'll be doing when the first and future cheques arrive. So remember, as petty and spiteful as you all are, every spleen-venting will ultimately further a worthy cause.




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