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Sunday, December 18, 2005

For Xmas 2006

From Applied Minds in the US - Babble. A hardback-sized device that "captures the user's voice, splices it into random bits then spits out the scrambled speech in multiple streams through a nearby speaker. The result sounds like low-level party chatter where all the guests are one person". Babble renders the most sensitive or naughty conversations untelligible to office eavesdroppers and blog posters - no more locking yourself in the small meeting room to talk to Patsy. Available by mail order from CAANZ late next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apart from the fact that this device is 'paperback book sized', I know some planners that "captures the user's voice, splices it into random bits then spits out the scrambled speech in multiple streams through a nearby speaker. The result sounds like low-level party chatter where all the guests are one person".
The trouble is, that's what the client sometimes hears as well!

11:09 am NZDT


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