A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Kiwis in Caxtons and Caxtons in Queenstown?

From the Campaign Brief blog:

"The Caxtons could be in Queenstown, New Zealand next year with the Kiwis
allowed to enter the awards for the first time in its 31 year history, if
Caxton chairman Tom Moult has his way. Moult says there are a few hurdles to
go with the newspaper sponsors, but hopefully that should be sorted out at
their next meeting in November. Almost every creative director in NZ
contacted by CB is looking forward to competing in the Caxtons - especially
if the awards gets points in the CB Creative Rankings, as will be the case.
And, according to Saatchi NZ ECD, Mike O'Sullivan, there's no better place
to host the Caxtons than Queenstown."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, but who'll get the drugs through customs?

Otherwise it'll be some West Coast Gold hauled down from Karamea.

You don't want to do the Caxtons on 'Coast Gold.

1:50 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone hook me up for the Caxtons?

1:52 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be warned lana you have to pay a fortune to get 'hooked up' in Queenstown. Best you pop a couple before flying down.

12:50 pm NZDT


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